Meet the team

Kasper Holm

Kasper Holm
Country Manager Denmark

Katja Holst

Katja Holst
Customer Success Team Manager

Natasha Bujnoch

Natasha Bujnoch
Country Director UK

Kevin Salt

Kevin Salt
Customer Success Manager UK

Kasper Holm
Country Manager Denmark

What is the best thing about working for ESSENTIAL FOODS?
The best thing about working for ESSENTIAL FOODS is that the days are never the same, and then there are the many great conversations I have with our customers on a daily basis. Our team is fantastic, and we have a really great atmosphere with room for fun and games despite a hectic workday.

What do you most enjoy about your job?
The difference that we make for dogs and cats out in the world, and the happiness we bring to their homes through good, healthy food. It makes me so happy every time I hear from a customer about the positive effect our meals have had for a dog or cat and their owner.

What are your favourite products?
One is definitely Nautical Living, which from the outset has proved to be a superb product that has helped a great many dogs with all kinds of challenges. In addition to being a very tasty meal, it also smells fresh and appetising despite it being made from pure fish.

Katja Holst
Customer Success Team Manager

What is the best thing about working for ESSENTIAL FOODS?
The daily contact with our many devoted customers and well as new customers. Interactions with the rest of the team - coming to the office is like coming “home” to your second family. And as the saying goes - “there's no place like home”

What do you most enjoy about your job?
Getting to do something that matters. There's nothing better than sensing through the phone or an email that you've made a difference for the customer on the other end, and for their dog or cat. When something is worth doing, it's worth doing WELL.

What are your favourite products?
If I ask Fenja at home, she would DEFINITELY say everything - but that's Labs for you. My favourite is Nautical Living combined with Older for Fenja, who is a mature lady of 11 1/2 years. My favourite treat is Beef Delight. (If I may choose only one).

Natasha Bujnoch
Country Director UK

What is the best thing about working for ESSENTIAL FOODS?
The best thing about working for Essential Foods is that I get to talk about dogs, cats and food all day long.

What do you most enjoy about your job?
I'm lucky to meet so many enthusiastic breeders, dog and cat owners.

What are your favourite products?
It's difficult to choose my favourite Essentials products as I use many different ones for my own dogs, and I can see first-hand that they all make a difference for each of them. IF - and that's a big 'if' - I have to choose 2, then in terms of meals, it'll have to be Nautical and Superior Living. The Beginning in the paté version, if you ask me as a breeder. And Mobility Blend just because it helps all my dogs.

Kevin Salt
Customer Success Manager UK

What is the best thing about working for ESSENTIAL FOODS?
It is more like a family than just another job. So many rely on us for not just great meals but also for down to earth advice. It's very rewarding to solve queries and help private, breeders and retail partners become part of the Essentials Family.

What do you most enjoy about your job?
No day is ever the same. Sometimes it's more like being a “detective “or doing a jig-saw puzzle rather than a Customer Service Manager. To understand and solve enquiries requires asking many questions to provide a solution which is fun.

What are your favourite products?
It's hard to choose my top items but included would be Nautical Living meal and the Salmon Mini Delights. Nautical Living because it has helped so many dogs out that have had dry, itchy skin and poor coat conditions that have now gone due to this meal. It's amazing to hear positive comments every day. The Salmon Mini Delights as they complement the meals, are high quality, cost effective and suitable for so many breeds from such an early age.

Nicolai Tschofen

Nicolai Tschofen
Sales Manager Retail Sverige & Norge

Marek Dospiva

Marek Dospiva
Logistic Manager

Maria Andersen

Maria Andersen
PR & Social Media


Kenneth Højfeldt Pedersen
Customer Success Manager

Nicolai Tschofen
Sales Manager Retail Sverige & Norge

What is the best thing about working for ESSENTIAL FOODS?
Working with colleagues who have the same vision I do. ESSENTIAL FOODS doesn't follow the market, but leads it. Getting to meet so many wonderful people who love and are passionate about their dogs and cats.

What do you most enjoy about your job?
Visiting new and current customers to talk about our fantastic products. Watching our retailer partners grow with us.

What are your favourite products?
Nautical Living is a very unique product on the market, and Estate Living, which is a brilliant combo of lamb & venison.

Marek Dospiva
Logistic Manager

What is the best thing about working for ESSENTIAL FOODS?
It's truly heart-warming to hear the many positive stories from our customers about how we've made a difference for their dog or cat. Together we're a strong team, and it's a pleasure to help improve pets' lives all over Europe.

What do you most enjoy about your job?
No two days are the same, and we're constantly developing. This challenges me to do better every day and to always look a couple of steps ahead. We support each other, which makes a huge difference in my workday. But it's always special when a four-legged customer visits - that always brings out an extra smile!

What are your favourite products?
Finest are definitely my favs. With the best ingredients and made by hand, they're the ultimate treat for any good boy who deserves some extra love.

Maria Andersen
PR & Social Media

What is the best thing about working for ESSENTIAL FOODS?
ESSENTIAL FOODS is a true love story about the love of dogs, cats and all animals and the nature that surrounds us. Our meals are made with top-of-the-line ingredients to give dogs and cats the best chance to live a long and healthy life. And the Charity programme really says all there is to say about the ESSENTIALS vision.

What do you most enjoy about your job?
I'm thankful to work for a company with values that shine through in every decision. Being surrounded by colleagues who are truly passionate about animals and the freedom we have as employees makes for a great workday.

What are your favourite products?
Iceland Fish Delights are a huge hit at home. They're 100% dried fish and nothing else, they can be chewed for a long time, and my dogs love them. Tiny Crackers and Finest Sliced Sausages are brilliant for training. And they're extremely motivating!

Kenneth Højfeldt Pedersen
Customer Success Manager

What is the best thing about working for ESSENTIAL FOODS?
Being part of an engaged and professional team of fun and friendly colleagues is amazing. And Essential Foods is a company that genuinely appreciates everyone who works here – I’m I huge fan of that!

What do you most enjoy about your job?
I enjoy being able to make a big difference for customers by giving them the best possible advice and guidance in their native language, be it English Danish, Swedish, Norwegian or German. Our customers also make a big difference for their pets by choosing Essential Foods.

What are your favourite products?
Hollie and Rosa are wild about Essential Cow Delights. I love watching the dogs spend so much time happily chewing and playing with them – so that’s definitely my favourite product.


Alex Kirkeberg
Head of eCommerce


Marc Krol Lundtang

David Elsass

David Elsass

Christian Degner-Elsner

Christian Degner-Elsner

Alex Kirkeberg
Head of eCommerce

What is the best thing about working for ESSENTIAL FOODS?
ESSENTIAL FOODS is a fantastic place to work, with a crystal clear vision. We haven’t just built an amazing brand, we’re also making a difference for our four-legged friends every day of their lives!

What do you most enjoy about your job?
Being part of the journey that ESSENTIAL FOODS is on. A journey towards becoming the leading premium lifestyle brand in dog and cat food, and all the while improving the quality of life of our furry friends. It doesn’t get much better than that!

What are your favourite products?
Liva loves a nice snack and she adores our Rolled Delights and Skin Delights. They really keep her busy, and she always looks so happy chewing them!

Marc Krol Lundtang

What is the best thing about working for ESSENTIAL FOODS?
The best thing about working for Essential Foods is the passion and motivation that surround the mission. The boundless love for our dogs shines through, and from the first day I felt the amazing drive and dedication of the entire Essentials team.

What do you most enjoy about your job?
Our caring customer service and fantastic products mean that I can vouch for everything Essential Foods stands for with pride in my voice. It’s really a great feeling to bring to work.

What are your favourite products?
Hard to choose... Elton likes everything, despite being a picky eater for a Lab. I’ll go with the entire pâté range, which is always a hit at home.

David Elsass

What is the best thing about working for ESSENTIAL FOODS?
The best thing about working at ESSENTIAL FOODS is being part of a team working day-in, day-out to improve and extend the lives of mankind's best friend. Our mission is clear, and following it in everything we do feels great and is really motivating.

What do you most enjoy about your job?
Definitely the happy customers - working together at ESSENTIAL FOODS to help dog owners do something good for their furry family members, when our customers tell us how much they love our products, the fast day-to-day delivery and the little surprise that comes with their order - those things really make my day. Happily, we get a lot of great feedback!

What are your favourite products?
My favourite product is Kingsley's favourite meal - it's that simple. Kingsley is our Havanese and he loves Nautical Living - preferably topped with a spoonful of Nautical Living Pâté.

Christian Degner-Elsner

What is the best thing about working for ESSENTIAL FOODS?
Going all in on the dream of creating a company and experiencing the difference we make for dogs and cats (and their owners!), and seeing year after year how more and more are choosing ESSENTIALS. After several tough years establishing the foundation for ESSENTIALS, I now find that my life's dream is being fulfilled.

What do you most enjoy about your job?
When a customer tells me how we've helped them and when I get to talk about our mission.

What are your favourite products?
Beef Delights, because they're my beautiful eldest fur baby's favourite. And Nautical Living, because no other meal has made such a positive difference for so many. My youngest has just changed to it from Large Breed and really seems to enjoy it.

Kasper Holm

Kasper Holm
Country Manager Denmark

Kasper Holm
Country Manager Denmark

What is the best thing about working for ESSENTIAL FOODS?
The best thing about working for ESSENTIAL FOODS is that the days are never the same, and then there are the many great conversations I have with our customers on a daily basis. Our team is fantastic, and we have a really great atmosphere with room for fun and games despite a hectic workday.

What do you most enjoy about your job?
The difference that we make for dogs and cats out in the world, and the happiness we bring to their homes through good, healthy food. It makes me so happy every time I hear from a customer about the positive effect our meals have had for a dog or cat and their owner.

What are your favourite products?
One is definitely Nautical Living, which from the outset has proved to be a superb product that has helped a great many dogs with all kinds of challenges. In addition to being a very tasty meal, it also smells fresh and appetising despite it being made from pure fish.

Katja Holst

Katja Holst
Customer Success Team Manager

Katja Holst
Customer Success Team Manager

What is the best thing about working for ESSENTIAL FOODS?
The daily contact with our many devoted customers and well as new customers. Interactions with the rest of the team - coming to the office is like coming “home” to your second family. And as the saying goes - “there's no place like home”

What do you most enjoy about your job?
Getting to do something that matters. There's nothing better than sensing through the phone or an email that you've made a difference for the customer on the other end, and for their dog or cat. When something is worth doing, it's worth doing WELL.

What are your favourite products?
If I ask Fenja at home, she would DEFINITELY say everything - but that's Labs for you. My favourite is Nautical Living combined with Older for Fenja, who is a mature lady of 11 1/2 years. My favourite treat is Beef Delight. (If I may choose only one).

Natasha Bujnoch

Natasha Bujnoch
Country Director UK

Natasha Bujnoch
Country Director UK

What is the best thing about working for ESSENTIAL FOODS?
The best thing about working for Essential Foods is that I get to talk about dogs, cats and food all day long.

What do you most enjoy about your job?
I'm lucky to meet so many enthusiastic breeders, dog and cat owners.

What are your favourite products?
It's difficult to choose my favourite Essentials products as I use many different ones for my own dogs, and I can see first-hand that they all make a difference for each of them. IF - and that's a big 'if' - I have to choose 2, then in terms of meals, it'll have to be Nautical and Superior Living. The Beginning in the paté version, if you ask me as a breeder. And Mobility Blend just because it helps all my dogs.

Kevin Salt

Kevin Salt
Customer Success Manager UK

Kevin Salt
Customer Success Manager UK

What is the best thing about working for ESSENTIAL FOODS?
It is more like a family than just another job. So many rely on us for not just great meals but also for down to earth advice. It's very rewarding to solve queries and help private, breeders and retail partners become part of the Essentials Family.

What do you most enjoy about your job?
No day is ever the same. Sometimes it's more like being a “detective “or doing a jig-saw puzzle rather than a Customer Service Manager. To understand and solve enquiries requires asking many questions to provide a solution which is fun.

What are your favourite products?
It's hard to choose my top items but included would be Nautical Living meal and the Salmon Mini Delights. Nautical Living because it has helped so many dogs out that have had dry, itchy skin and poor coat conditions that have now gone due to this meal. It's amazing to hear positive comments every day. The Salmon Mini Delights as they complement the meals, are high quality, cost effective and suitable for so many breeds from such an early age.

Nicolai Tschofen

Nicolai Tschofen
Sales Manager Retail Sverige & Norge

Nicolai Tschofen
Sales Manager Retail Sverige & Norge

What is the best thing about working for ESSENTIAL FOODS?
Working with colleagues who have the same vision I do. ESSENTIAL FOODS doesn't follow the market, but leads it. Getting to meet so many wonderful people who love and are passionate about their dogs and cats.

What do you most enjoy about your job?
Visiting new and current customers to talk about our fantastic products. Watching our retailer partners grow with us.

What are your favourite products?
Nautical Living is a very unique product on the market, and Estate Living, which is a brilliant combo of lamb & venison.

Marek Dospiva

Marek Dospiva
Logistic Manager

Marek Dospiva
Logistic Manager

What is the best thing about working for ESSENTIAL FOODS?
It's truly heart-warming to hear the many positive stories from our customers about how we've made a difference for their dog or cat. Together we're a strong team, and it's a pleasure to help improve pets' lives all over Europe.

What do you most enjoy about your job?
No two days are the same, and we're constantly developing. This challenges me to do better every day and to always look a couple of steps ahead. We support each other, which makes a huge difference in my workday. But it's always special when a four-legged customer visits - that always brings out an extra smile!

What are your favourite products?
Finest are definitely my favs. With the best ingredients and made by hand, they're the ultimate treat for any good boy who deserves some extra love.

Maria Andersen

Maria Andersen
PR & Social Media

Maria Andersen
PR & Social Media

What is the best thing about working for ESSENTIAL FOODS?
ESSENTIAL FOODS is a true love story about the love of dogs, cats and all animals and the nature that surrounds us. Our meals are made with top-of-the-line ingredients to give dogs and cats the best chance to live a long and healthy life. And the Charity programme really says all there is to say about the ESSENTIALS vision.

What do you most enjoy about your job?
I'm thankful to work for a company with values that shine through in every decision. Being surrounded by colleagues who are truly passionate about animals and the freedom we have as employees makes for a great workday.

What are your favourite products?
Iceland Fish Delights are a huge hit at home. They're 100% dried fish and nothing else, they can be chewed for a long time, and my dogs love them. Tiny Crackers and Finest Sliced Sausages are brilliant for training. And they're extremely motivating!


Kenneth Højfeldt Pedersen
Customer Success Manager

Kenneth Højfeldt Pedersen
Customer Success Manager

What is the best thing about working for ESSENTIAL FOODS?
Being part of an engaged and professional team of fun and friendly colleagues is amazing. And Essential Foods is a company that genuinely appreciates everyone who works here – I’m I huge fan of that!

What do you most enjoy about your job?
I enjoy being able to make a big difference for customers by giving them the best possible advice and guidance in their native language, be it English Danish, Swedish, Norwegian or German. Our customers also make a big difference for their pets by choosing Essential Foods.

What are your favourite products?
Hollie and Rosa are wild about Essential Cow Delights. I love watching the dogs spend so much time happily chewing and playing with them – so that’s definitely my favourite product.


Alex Kirkeberg
Head of eCommerce

Alex Kirkeberg
Head of eCommerce

What is the best thing about working for ESSENTIAL FOODS?
ESSENTIAL FOODS is a fantastic place to work, with a crystal clear vision. We haven’t just built an amazing brand, we’re also making a difference for our four-legged friends every day of their lives!

What do you most enjoy about your job?
Being part of the journey that ESSENTIAL FOODS is on. A journey towards becoming the leading premium lifestyle brand in dog and cat food, and all the while improving the quality of life of our furry friends. It doesn’t get much better than that!

What are your favourite products?
Liva loves a nice snack and she adores our Rolled Delights and Skin Delights. They really keep her busy, and she always looks so happy chewing them!


Marc Krol Lundtang

Marc Krol Lundtang

What is the best thing about working for ESSENTIAL FOODS?
The best thing about working for Essential Foods is the passion and motivation that surround the mission. The boundless love for our dogs shines through, and from the first day I felt the amazing drive and dedication of the entire Essentials team.

What do you most enjoy about your job?
Our caring customer service and fantastic products mean that I can vouch for everything Essential Foods stands for with pride in my voice. It’s really a great feeling to bring to work.

What are your favourite products?
Hard to choose... Elton likes everything, despite being a picky eater for a Lab. I’ll go with the entire pâté range, which is always a hit at home.

David Elsass

David Elsass

David Elsass

What is the best thing about working for ESSENTIAL FOODS?
The best thing about working at ESSENTIAL FOODS is being part of a team working day-in, day-out to improve and extend the lives of mankind's best friend. Our mission is clear, and following it in everything we do feels great and is really motivating.

What do you most enjoy about your job?
Definitely the happy customers - working together at ESSENTIAL FOODS to help dog owners do something good for their furry family members, when our customers tell us how much they love our products, the fast day-to-day delivery and the little surprise that comes with their order - those things really make my day. Happily, we get a lot of great feedback!

What are your favourite products?
My favourite product is Kingsley's favourite meal - it's that simple. Kingsley is our Havanese and he loves Nautical Living - preferably topped with a spoonful of Nautical Living Pâté.

Christian Degner-Elsner

Christian Degner-Elsner

Christian Degner-Elsner

What is the best thing about working for ESSENTIAL FOODS?
Going all in on the dream of creating a company and experiencing the difference we make for dogs and cats (and their owners!), and seeing year after year how more and more are choosing ESSENTIALS. After several tough years establishing the foundation for ESSENTIALS, I now find that my life's dream is being fulfilled.

What do you most enjoy about your job?
When a customer tells me how we've helped them and when I get to talk about our mission.

What are your favourite products?
Beef Delights, because they're my beautiful eldest fur baby's favourite. And Nautical Living, because no other meal has made such a positive difference for so many. My youngest has just changed to it from Large Breed and really seems to enjoy it.

Not just dog food

We don't produce dog food; we produce meals. Meals packed with nutrition which keep a stable blood sugar level and which only contain ingredients that benefit and strengthen your best friend's health. Nutrition is essential for the dog's overall wellbeing.

See our selection